Meet Our Pastor
Reverend Dr. Ron Hankins
Pastor, Silver Spring Presbyterian Church
Silver Spring, MD.
A native of Somerset NJ, Reverend Dr. Hankins (Pastor Ron) has been serving as the pastor of Silver Spring Presbyterian Church since February of 2021. Prior to his ministry in at Silver Spring, Dr. Hankins was the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Odessa, Texas, Trinity Presbyterian Church of Baltimore, Maryland, as well as Woodville Presbyterian Church of Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Hankins is married to the former Ms.
Linda Jones of Williamsburg, Virginia and together they share a blended family of four adult children. Dr. Hankins is also retired military chaplain, having completed a total of 23 years of military service which included 13 years in the U.S. Marine Corps (Enlisted), 6 years in the U.S. Naval Chaplain Corps, and 4 years with District of Columbia Air National Guard as a Reserve Air Force chaplain.
Educational accomplishments include:
- Doctor of Ministry – Regent University School of Divinity, Virginia Beach, VA. (May 2018).
- Master of Divinity – Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA. (May 1999).
- Master of Science in Adult Education, Coppin University, Baltimore, MD, (May 2008).
- Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Park University, Parkville, MO. (Magna Cum Laude, May 1993).
- Certificate in Executive Leadership – McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago IL. (July 2020).
Dr. Hankins is a dedicated pastor and community servant, a loving husband and a devoted father. He truly loves the Lord and holds a deep-seated passion for serving all of God’s people both within the church and within the local community. Dr. Hankins tries to live his life according to the following motto:
Every circumstance, whether it be positive or negative, is an opportunity to exercise our faith and trust in The Lord…Therefore in all things – whatever the situation or circumstance may be… Always Be Encouraged!